Monday, December 29, 2008

Look out Yankees...

The Yankees better watch out. The O's are trying to keep up with their offseason pickups by signing...drumroll please...Mark Hendrickson. Now the O's have Izturis and Hendrickson. A dynamite duo. I'm sure you're thinking the same thing I am, "we're in trouble."

This signing makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. It goes against everything that they have been preaching to us over the last year. Why sign this guy? Here are his numbers per start:

5.2 innings
5.4 strikeouts
3.17 walks
1.14 home runs
5.38 ERA

Oh, and he's 34 years old. I mean, obviously he's a winner and somebody we can build around right? What a joke the Orioles are turning out to be. They preach to us a rebuilding plan and then go and sign a guy like this. Daniel "wild thing" Cabrera would give you better numbers than those. Everything they do in the warehouse is backwards. They'll say the offer Texiera $140 million and then the low ball the current face of their franchise. I heard the Orioles offered Markakis 6 years ~$57 million and he wants $68 million. GIVE IT TO HIM. They have used Markakis for the past several seasons as the face of the franchise while paying him next to nothing. If you're going to dub him the face of the franchise, he deserves to get paid as the face of any franchise should get paid.

And I also don't understand the catcher situation. Why is there any talk of bringing in Zaun or Pudge? We are going to win 70 games MAX. LET WEITERS PLAY. If he's truly as good as they tell us he is, he'll be fine. Sign some catcher who is fine playing once every 6/7 games.

I really don't understand anything they do anymore. If you're rebuilding, rebuild. You have to be either 100% committed or not at all.

I just have to remember to bring my glove to the left field seats when Hendrickson pitches. Odds are, one will come flying.


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