Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Festivus!!!


What a game. What a season. 11-5. Most people would have thought those numbers would have been flipped and even that was more wins then many predicted. It's incredible to think that a rookie coach, and a rookie quarterback could turn around this team the way they did. No more selfishness, no more individuality, just team football. Even in the down times they seem to keep everything in perspective. When the Steelers drove 92 yds in the 4th quarter to beat the Ravens, all you heard was, "the refs didn't cost us the game, WE let them drive 92 yds." Last years Ravens team would have been looking ahead to the playoffs and may have blown the game tonight, but not this years team. This years team went out and pounded a team they should have pounded. They have treated every game as if it were a playoff game and now they have been rewarded with a real playoff game. Besides Ed Reed lateraling every time he makes an interception, I'd say tonight's game was exactly the kind of game the Ravens wanted. Pound the ball and take a few shots. Everything clicked tonight.

The Ravens should be able to handle the Dolphins next Sunday, but regardless, they've had a great season. Granted, expectations change with the circumstances, but even with a loss next Sunday, this season has to be considered a success. Flacco has shown that he may be the franchise quarterback we've all been waiting for. I say "may" because he's only played 1 season, but from all I can tell he'll be a great quarterback for many years. If he is that missing link, we can only be excited about the possibilities for the years to come. I have faith that they'll resign Ray and Suggs which will keep our defense great and if they pick up 1 go to receiver, the Ravens could be a dangerous team for many, many years.

If they lose, sure I'll be disappointed, but as I said, expectations change with different circumstances and I think I speak for everyone when I say, I kind of like these circumstances.

Merry Festivus!!!


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